Scripting Host

Document revision:2.7 (Thu Sep 22 13:33:55 GMT 2005)
Applies to: V2.9

General Information


This manual provides introduction to RouterOS built-in powerful scripting language.

Scripting host provides a way to automate some router maintenance tasks by means of executing user-defined scripts bounded to some event occurence. A script consists of configuration commands and expressions (ICE - internal console expression). The configuration commands are standard RouterOS commands, e.g. /ip firewall filter add chain=forward protocol=gre action=drop that are described in the relevant manuals, while expressions are prefixed with : and are accessible from all submenus.

The events used to trigger script execution include, but are not limited to the System Scheduler, the Traffic Monitoring Tool, and the Netwatch Tool generated events.


Packages required: system
License required: Level1
Submenu level: /system script
Standards and Technologies: None
Hardware usage: Not significant

Related Documents

Console Command Syntax


Console commands are made of the following parts, listed in the order you type them in console:


Variable substitution, command substitution and expressions are allowed only for path_args and unnamed parameter values. prefix, path, action and name[=value] pairs can be given only directly, as a word. Therefore, :put (1 + 2) is valid and :("pu" . "t") 3 is not.


The parts of internal console commands are futher explained in the following examples:

/ping count=5
prefix /
action ping
unnamed parameter
name[=value] count=5
.. ip firewall rule input
path .. ip firewall rule
path_args input
:for i from=1 to=10 do={:put $i}
prefix :
action for
unnamed parameter i
pname[=value] from=1 to=10 do={:put $i}
/interface monitor-traffic ether1,ether2,ipip1
prefix /
path interface
action monitor-traffic
unnamed parameter ether1,ether2,ipip1

Expression Grouping


This feature provides an easy way to execute commands from within one command level, by enclosing them in braces '{ }'.


Subsequent script commands are executed from the same menu level as the entire script. Consider the following example:

[admin@MikroTik] ip route> /user {
{... /ip route
{... print}
Flags: X - disabled
 #   NAME                                                              GROUP ADDRESS
 0   ;;; system default user
     admin                                                             full
 1   uuu                                                               full
[admin@MikroTik] ip route>

Although the current command level is changed to /ip route, it has no effect on next commands entered from prompt, therefore print command is still considered to be /user print.


The example below demonstrates how to add two users to the user menu.

[admin@MikroTik] ip route> /user {
{... add name=x password=y group=write
{... add name=y password=z group=read
{... print}
Flags: X - disabled
 #   NAME                                                      GROUP ADDRESS
 0   ;;; system default user
     admin                                                     full
 1   x                                                         write
 2   y                                                         read
[admin@MikroTik] ip route>



RouterOS scripting language suports two types of variables, which are global (system wide) and local (accessible only within the current script), respectively. A variable can be referenced by '$' (dollar) sign followed by the name of the variable with the exception of set and unset commands that take variable name without preceding dollar sign. Variable names should be composed of contain letters, digits and '-' character. A variable must be declared prior to using it in scripts. There are four types of declaration available:

You can assign a new value to variable using set action. It takes two unnamed parameters: the name of the variable and the new value of the variable. If a variable is no longer needed, it's name can be freed by :unset command. If you free local variable, it's value is lost. If you free global variable, it's value is still kept in router, it just becomes inaccessible from current script.


Loop variables "shadows" already introduced variables with the same name.


[admin@MikroTik] ip route> /
[admin@MikroTik] > :global g1 "this is global variable"
[admin@MikroTik] > :put $g1
this is global variable
[admin@MikroTik] >

Command Substitution and Return Values


Some console commands are most useful if their output can be feed to other commands as an argument value. In RouterOS console this is done by using the return values from commands. Return values are not displayed on the screen. To get the return value from a command, it should be enclosed in square brackets '[ ]'. Upon execution the return value of the the command will become the value of these brackets. This is called command substitution.

The commands that produce return values are, but not limited to: find, which returns a reference to a particular item, ping, which returns the number of sucessful pings, time, which returns the measured time value, incr and decr, which return the new value of a variable, and add, which returns the internal number of newly created item.


Consider the usage of find command:

[admin@MikroTik] > /interface
[admin@MikroTik] interface> find type=ether
[admin@MikroTik] interface>
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put [find type=ether]
[admin@MikroTik] interface>

This way you can see internal console numbers of items. Naturally, you can use them as arguments in other commands:

[admin@MikroTik] interface> enable [find type=ether]
[admin@MikroTik] interface>



RouterOS console can do simple calculations with numbers, time values, IP addresses, strings and lists. To get result from an expression with operators, enclose it in parentheses '(' and ')'. The expression result serves as a return value for the parentheses.

Command Description

- - unary minus. Inverts given number value.

- - binary minus. Substracts two numbers, two time values, two IP addresses or an IP address and a number

! - logical NOT. Unary operator, which inverts given boolean value

/ - division. Binary operator. Divides one number by another (gives number) or a time value by a number (gives time value).

. - concatenation. Binary operator, concatenates two string or append one list to another or appends an element to a list.

^ - bitwise XOR. The argumens and the result are both IP addresses

~ - bit inversion. Unary operator, which inverts bits in IP address

* - multiplication. Binary operator, which can multiply two numbers or a time value by a number.

& - bitwise AND The argumens and the result are both IP addresses

&& - logical AND. Binary operator. The argumens and the result are both logical values

+ - binary plus. Adds two numbers, two time values or a number and an IP address.

< - less. Binary operator which compares two numbers, two time values or two IP addresses. Returns boolean value

<< - left shift. Binary operator, which shifts IP address by a given amount of bits. The first argument is an IP address, the second is an integer and the result is an IP address.

<= - less or equal. Binary operator which compares two numbers, two time values or two IP addresses. Returns boolean value

> - greater. Binary operator which compares two numbers, two time values or two IP addresses. Returns boolean value

>= - greater or equal. Binary operator which compares two numbers, two time values or two IP addresses. Returns boolean value

>> - right shift. Binary operator, which shifts IP address by a given amount of bits. The first argument is an IP address, the second is an integer and the result is an IP address.

| - bitwise OR. The argumens and the result are both IP addresses

|| - logical OR. Binary operator. The argumens and the result are both logical values


When comparing two arrays note, that two arrays are equal only if their respective elements are equal.


Operator priority and evaluation order

[admin@MikroTik] ip firewall rule forward> :put (10+1-6*2=11-12=2+(-3)=-1)
[admin@MikroTik] ip firewall rule forward> :put (10+1-6*2=11-12=(2+(-3)=-1))
[admin@MikroTik] ip firewall rule forward

logical NOT

[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (!true)
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (!(2>3))
[admin@MikroTik] interface>

unary minus

[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (-1<0)
[admin@MikroTik] > 	

bit inversion

[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (~
[admin@MikroTik] interface>


[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (3ms + 5s)
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ( +
cannot add ip address to ip address
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ( + 10)
[admin@MikroTik] interface>


[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (15 - 10)
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ( -
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ( - 12)
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (15h - 2s)
[admin@MikroTik] interface>


[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (12s * 4)
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (-5 * -2)
[admin@MikroTik] interface>


[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (10s / 3)
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (5 / 2)
[admin@MikroTik] interface>
[admin@MikroTik] > :put (0:0.10 / 3)
[admin@MikroTik] >


[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (<=
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (100000s>27h)
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (60s,1d!=1m,3600s)
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (bridge=routing)
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (yes=false)
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (true=aye)
[admin@MikroTik] interface>

logical AND, logical OR

[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ((yes && yes) || (yes && no))
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ((no || no) && (no || yes))
[admin@MikroTik] interface>

bitwise AND, bitwise OR, bitwise XOR

[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ( & ~
[admin@MikroTik] interface>

shift operators

[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (~(( << 7) - 1))
[admin@MikroTik] interface>


[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (1 . 3)
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (1,2 . 3)
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (1 . 3,4)
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put (1,2 . 3,4)
[admin@MikroTik] interface> :put ((1 . 3) + 1)
[admin@MikroTik] interface>

Data types


The RouterOS console differentiates between several data types, which are string, boolean, number, time interval, IP address, internal number and list. The console tries to convert any value to the most specific type first, backing if it fails. The order in which the console attempts to convert an entered value is presented below:

Internal scripting language supplies special functions to explicitly control type conversion. The toarray, tobool, toid, toip, tonum, tostr and totime functions convert a value accordingly to list, boolean, internal number, IP address, number, string or time.

The number type is internally represented as 64 bit signed integer, so the value a number type variable can take is in range from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. It is possible to input number value in hexadecimal form, by prefixing it with 0x, e.g.:

[admin@MikroTik] > :global MyVar 0x10
[admin@MikroTik] > :put $MyVar
[admin@MikroTik] >

Lists are treated as comma separated sequence of values. Putting whitespaces around commas is not recommended, because it might confuse console about words' boundaries.

Boolean values can be either true or false. Console also accepts yes for true, and no for false.

Internal numbers are preceided * sign.

Time intervals can be entered either using HH:MM:SS.MS notation, e.g.:

[admin@MikroTik] > :put 01:12:1.01
[admin@MikroTik] >

or as sequence of numbers, optionally followed by letters specifying the units of time measure (d dor days, h for hours, m for minutes, s for seconds and ms for milliseconds), e.g.:

[admin@MikroTik] > :put 2d11h12
[admin@MikroTik] >

As can bee seen, time values with omitted unit specificators are treated as expressed in seconds.

Possible aliases for time units:

The console also accepts time values with decimal point:

[admin@MikroTik] > :put 0.1day1.2s
[admin@MikroTik] >

Command Reference


RouterOS has a number of built-in console commands and expressions (ICE) that do not depend on the current menu level. These commands do not change configuration directly, but they are useful for automating various maintenance tasks. The full ICE list can be accessed by typing '?' after the ':' prefix (therefore it can be safely assumed that all ICE have ':' prefix), for example:

[admin@MikroTik] > :
beep         execute  global  list     pick     time     toip    typeof
delay        find     if      local    put      toarray  tonum   while
do           for      led     log      resolve  tobool   tostr
environment  foreach  len     nothing  set      toid     totime
[admin@MikroTik] >

Command Description

beep - forces the built-in PC beeper to produce a signal for length seconds at frequency Hz.
Input Parameters
frequency (integer; default: 1000) - signal frequency measured in Hz
length (time; default: 100ms) - signal length
[admin@MikroTik] > :beep length=2s frequency=10000

[admin@MikroTik] >

delay - does nothing for a given amount of time.
Input Parameters
delay-time (time) - amount of time to wait
  • omitted - delay forever
  • do - executes commands repeatedly until given conditions are met. If no parameters are given, do just executes its payload once, which does not make much use. If a logical condition is specified for the while parameter, it will be evaluated after executing commands, and in case it is true, do statement is executed again and again until false. The if parameter, if present, is evaluated only once before doing anything else, and if it is false then no action is taken
    Input Parameters
    unnamed (text) - actions to execute repeatedly
    while (yes | no) - condition, which is evaluated each time after the execution of enclosed statements
    if (yes | no) - condition, which is evaluated once before the execution of enclosed statements
    [admin@MikroTik] > {:global i 10; :do {:put $i; :set i ($i - 1);} \
    \... while (($i < 11) && ($i > 0)); :unset i;}
    [admin@MikroTik] >

    environment print - prints information about variables that are currently initialised. All global variables in the system are listed under the heading Global Variables. All variables that are introduced in the current script (variables introduced by :local or created by :for or :foreach statements) are listed under the heading Local Variables.
    Creating variables and displaying a list of them
    [admin@MikroTik] > :local A "This is a local variable"
    [admin@MikroTik] > :global B "This is a global one"
    [admin@MikroTik] > :environment print
    Global Variables
    B=This is a global one
    Local Variables
    A=This is a local variable
    [admin@MikroTik] >

    find - searches for substring inside a string or for an element with particular value inside an array, depending on argument types and returns position at which the value is found. The elements in list and characters in string are numbered from 0 upwards
    Input Parameters
    unnamed(text | list) - the string or value list the search will be performed in
    unnamed(text) - value to be searched for
    unnamed(integer) - position after which the search is started
    [admin@MikroTik] interface pppoe-server> :put [:find "13sdf1sdfss1sfsdf324333"  ]
    [admin@MikroTik] interface pppoe-server> :put [:find "13sdf1sdfss1sfsdf324333" 3  ]
    [admin@MikroTik] interface pppoe-server> :put [:find "13sdf1sdfss1sfsdf324333" 3  3]
    [admin@MikroTik] interface pppoe-server> :put [:find "1,1,1,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3" 3 ]
    [admin@MikroTik] interface pppoe-server> :put [:find "1,1,1,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3" 3 3]
    [admin@MikroTik] interface pppoe-server> :put [:find "1,1,1,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3" 3 4]
    [admin@MikroTik] interface pppoe-server> :put [:find "1,1,1,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3" 3 5]

    for - executes supplied commands over a given number of iterations, which is explicity set through from and to parameters
    Input Parameters
    unnamed (name) - the name of the loop counter variable
    from (integer) - start value of the loop counter variable
    to (integer) - end value of the loop counter variable
    step (integer; default: 1) - increment value. Depending on the loop counter variable start and end values, step parameter can be treated also as decrement
    do (text) - contains the command to be executed repeatedly
    [admin@MikroTik] > :for i from=1 to=100 step=37  do={:put ($i . " - " . 1000/$i)}
    1 - 1000
    38 - 26
    75 - 13
    [admin@MikroTik] >

    foreach - executes supplied commands for each element in list
    Input Parameters
    unnamed (name) - the name of the loop counter variable
    in (list) - list of values over which to iterate
    do (text) - contains the command to be executed repeatedly
    Printing a list of available interfaces with their respective IP addresses
    :foreach i in=[/interface find type=ether ] \
    \... do={:put ("+--" . [/interface get $i name]); \ 
    \... :foreach j in=[/ip address find interface=$i] 
    \... do={:put ("|  `--" . [/ip address get $j address])}}
    |  `--
    |  `--
    |  `--
    |  `--
    [admin@MikroTik] >

    global - declares global variable
    Input Parameters
    unnamed(name) - name of the variable
    unnamed(text) - value, which should be assigned to the variable
    [admin@MikroTik] > :global MyString "This is a string"
    [admin@MikroTik] > :global IPAddr
    [admin@MikroTik] > :global time   0:10
    [admin@MikroTik] > :environment print
    Global Variables
    MyString=This is a string
    Local Variables
    [admin@MikroTik] >

    if - conditional statement. If a given logical condition evaluates to true then the do block of commands is executed. Otherwice an optional else block is executed.
    Input Parameters
    unnamed(yes | no) - logical condition, which is evaluated once before the execution of enclosed statements
    do(text) - this block of commands is executed if the logical condition evaluates to true
    else(text) - this block of commands is executed if the logical condition evaluates to false
    Check if the firewall has any rules added
    [admin@MikroTik] > :if ([:len [/ip firewall filter find]] > 0) do={:put true} else={:put false}
    [admin@MikroTik] >
    Check whether the gateway is reachable. In this example, the IP address of the gateway is
    [admin@MikroTik] > :if ([/ping count=1] = 0) do {:put "gateway unreachable"} ping timeout
    1 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
    gateway unreachable
    [admin@MikroTik] >

    led - allows to control the LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) of the RouterBOARD 200 series embedded boards. This command is available only on RouterBoard 200 platform with the routerboard package installed
    Input Parameters
    led1(yes | no) - controls first LED
    led2(yes | no) - controls second LED
    led3(yes | no) - controls third LED
    led4(yes | no) - controls fourth LED
    length(time) - specifies the length of the action
  • omitted - altar LED state forever
  • Switch on LEDs 2 and 3 for 5 seconds
    [admin@MikroTik] > :led led2=yes led3=yes length=5s

    len - returns the number of characters in string or the number of elements in list depending on the type of the argument
    Input Parameters
    unnamed(name) - string or list the length of which should be returned
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:len gvejimezyfopmekun]
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:len gve,jim,ezy,fop,mek,un]
    [admin@MikroTik] >

    list - displays a list of all available console commands that match given search key(s)
    Input Parameters
    unnamed(text) - first search key
    unnamed(text) - second search key
    unnamed(text) - third search key
    Display console commands that have hotspot, add and user parts in the command's name and path
    [admin@MikroTik] > :list user hotspot "add "
    List of console commands under "/" matching "user" and "hotspot" and "add ":
    ip hotspot profile add name= hotspot-address= dns-name= \
    \... html-directory= rate-limit= http-proxy= smtp-server= \
    \... login-by= http-cookie-lifetime= ssl-certificate= split-user-domain= \
    \... use-radius= radius-accounting= radius-interim-update= copy-from=
    ip hotspot user add server= name= password= address= mac-address= \
    \... profile= routes= limit-uptime= limit-bytes-in= limit-bytes-out= \
    \... copy-from= comment= disabled=
    ip hotspot user profile add name= address-pool= session-timeout= \
    \... idle-timeout= keepalive-timeout= status-autorefresh= \
    \... shared-users= rate-limit= incoming-filter= outgoing-filter= \
    \... incoming-mark= outgoing-mark= open-status-page= on-login= on-logout= copy-from=
    [admin@MikroTik] >

    local - declares local variable
    Input Parameters
    unnamed(name) - name of the variable
    unnamed(text) - value, which should be assigned to the variable
    [admin@MikroTik] > :local MyString "This is a string"
    [admin@MikroTik] > :local IPAddr
    [admin@MikroTik] > :local time   0:10
    [admin@MikroTik] > :environment print
    Global Variables
    Local Variables
    MyString=This is a string
    [admin@MikroTik] >

    log - adds a message specified by message parameter to the system logs.
    Input Parameters
    unnamed(name) - name of the logging facility to send message to
    unnamed(text) - the text of the message to be logged
    Send message to info log
    [admin@MikroTik] > :log info "Very Good thing happened. We have received our first packet!"
    [admin@MikroTik] > /log print follow
    19:57:46 script,info Very Good thing happened. We have received our first packet!

    nothing - has no action, and returns value of type "nothing". In conditions nothing behaves as "false"
    Pick a symbol that does not exist from a string
    [admin@MikroTik] > :local string qwerty
    [admin@MikroTik] > :if ([:pick $string 10]=[:nothing]) do={
    {... :put "pick and nothing commands return the same value"}
    pick and nothing commands return the same value
    [admin@MikroTik] >

    pick - returns a range of elements or a substring depending on the type of input value
    Input Parameters
    unnamed(text | list) - the string or value list from which a substring or a subrange should be returned
    unnamed(integer) - start position of substring or subrange
    unnamed(integer) - end position for substring or subrange
    [admin@MikroTik] > :set a 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:len $a]
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:pick $a]      
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:pick $a 0 4]
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:pick $a 2 4] 
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:pick $a 2]  
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:pick $a 5 1000000] 
    [admin@MikroTik] > :set a abcdefghij        
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:len $a]           
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:pick $a]          
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:pick $a 0 4]      
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:pick $a 2 4]      
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:pick $a 2]        
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:pick $a 5 1000000]

    put - echoes supplied argument to the console
    Input Parameters
    unnamed(text) - the text to be echoed to the console
    Display the MTU of ether1 interface
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [/interface get ether1 mtu]
    [admin@MikroTik] >

    resolve - returns IP address of the host resolved from the DNS name. The DNS settings should be configured on the router (/ip dns submenu) prior to using this command.
    Input Parameters
    unnamed(text) - domain name to be resolved into an IP address
    DNS configuration and resolve command example
    [admin@MikroTik] ip route> /ip dns set primary-dns=
    [admin@MikroTik] ip route> :put [:resolve]

    set - assigns new value to a variable
    Input Parameters
    unnamed(name) - the name of the variable
    unnamed(text) - the new value of the variable
    Measuring time needed to resolve
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:time [:resolve ]]
    [admin@MikroTik] >

    time - measures the amount of time needed to execute given console commands
    Input Parameters
    unnamed(text) - the console commands to measure execution time of
    Measuring time needed to resolve
    [admin@MikroTik] > :put [:time [:resolve ]]
    [admin@MikroTik] >

    while - executes given console commands repeatedly while the logical conditions is true
    Input Parameters
    unnamed(yes | no) - condition, which is evaluated each time before the execution of enclosed statements
    do(text) - console commands that should be executed repeatedly
    [admin@MikroTik] > :set i 0; :while ($i < 10) do={:put $i; :set i ($i + 1)};
    [admin@MikroTik] >

    Special Commands



    It is possible to access values that are shown by most monitor actions from scripts. A monitor command that has a do parameter can be supplied either script name (see /system scripts), or console commands to execute.


    Most print commands produce values that are accessible from scripts. Such print commands have a corresponding get command on the same menu level. The get command accepts one parameter when working with regular values or two parameters when working with lists.


    Monitor command with do argument can also be called directly from scripts. It will not print anything then, just execute the given script.

    The names of the properties that can be accessed by get are the same as shown by print command, plus names of item flags (like the disabled in the example below). You can use [T ab] key completions to see what properties any particular get action can return.


    In the example below monitor action will execute given script each time it prints stats on the screen, and it will assign all printed values to local variables with the same name:

    [admin@MikroTik] interface> monitor-traffic ether2 once do={:environment print}
        received-packets-per-second: 0
           received-bits-per-second: 0bps
            sent-packets-per-second: 0
               sent-bits-per-second: 0bps
    Global Variables
    Local Variables
    [admin@MikroTik] interface>

    Additional Features


    To include comment in the console script prefix it with '#'. In a line of script that starts with '#' all characters until the newline character are ignored.

    To put multiple commands on a single line separate them with ';'. Console treats ';' as the end of line in scripts.

    Any of the {}[]"'\$ characters should be escaped in a reqular string with '\' character. Console takes any character following '\' literally, without assigning any special meaning to it, except for such cases:

    \a     bell (alarm), character code 7
    \b     backspace, character code 8
    \f     form feed, character code 12
    \n     newline, character code 10
    \r     carriage return, character code 13
    \t     tabulation, character code 9
    \v     vertical tabulation, character code 11
    \_     space, character code 32

    Note that '\', followed by any amount of whitespace characters (spaces, newlines, carriage returns, tabulations), followed by newline is treated as a single whitespace, except inside quotes, where it is treated as nothing. This is used by console to break up long lines in scripts generated by export commands.

    Script Repository

    Submenu level: /system script


    All scripts are stored in the /system script menu along with some service information such as script name, script owner, number of times the script was executed and permissions for particular script.

    In RouterOS, a script may be automatically started in three different ways:

    It is also possible to start a script manually via /system script run command.

    Property Description

    last-started (time) - date and time when the script has been last invoked. The argument is shown only if the run-count!=0.

    owner (name; default: admin) - the name of the user who created the script

    policy (multiple choice: ftp | local | policy | read | reboot | ssh | telnet | test | web | write; default: reboot,read,write,policy,test) - the list of the policies applicable:
    ftp - user can log on remotely via ftp and send and retrieve files from the router
    local - user can log on locally via console
    policy - manage user policies, add and remove user
    read - user can retrieve the configuration
    reboot - user can reboot the router
    ssh - user can log on remotely via secure shell
    telnet - user can log on remotely via telnet
    test - user can run ping, traceroute, bandwidth test
    web - user can log on remotely via http
    write - user can retrieve and change the configuration

    run-count (integer; default: 0) - script usage counter. This counter is incremented each time the script is executed. The counter will reset after reboot.

    source (text; default: "") - the script source code itself

    Command Description

    run (name) - executes a given script
    Input Parameters
    unnamed(name) - the name of the script to execute


    You cannot do more in scripts than you are allowed to do by your current user rights, that is, you cannot use disabled policies. For example, if there is a policy group in /user group which allows you ssh,local,telnet,read,write,policy,test,web and this group is assigned to your user name, then you cannot make a script that reboots the router.


    The following example is a script for writing message "Hello World!" to the info log:

    [admin@MikroTik] system script> add name="log-test" source={:log info "Hello World!"}
    [admin@MikroTik] system script> run log-test
    [admin@MikroTik] system script> print
     0 name="log-test" owner="admin" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,password last-started=mar/20/2001 22:51:41
       run-count=1 source=:log info "Hello World!"
    [admin@MikroTik] system script>

    Task Management

    Submenu level: /system script job


    This facility is used to manage the active or scheduled tasks.

    Property Description

    name (read-only: name) - the name of the script to be referenced when invoking it

    owner (text) - the name of the user who created the script

    source (read-only: text) - the script source code itself


    [admin@MikroTik] system script> job print
      # SCRIPT  OWNER                   STARTED
      0 DelayeD admin                   dec/27/2003 11:17:33
    [admin@MikroTik] system script>

    You can cancel execution of a script by removing it from the job list

    [admin@MikroTik] system script> job remove 0
    [admin@MikroTik] system script> job print
    [admin@MikroTik] system script>

    Script Editor

    Command name: /system script edit


    RouterOS console has a simple full-screen editor for scripts with support for multiline script writing.

    Keyboard Shortcuts

    Command Description

    edit (name) - opens the script specified by the name argument in full-screen editor


    All characters that are deleted by backspace, delete or Ctrl+k keys are accumulated in the buffer. Pressing any other key finishes adding to this buffer (Ctrl+y can paste it's contents), and the next delete operation will replace it's contents. Undo doesn't change contents of cut buffer.

    Script editor works only on VT102 compatible terminals (terminal names "vt102", "linux", "xterm", "rxvt" are recognized as VT102 at the moment). Delete, backspace and cursor keys might not work with all terminal programs, use 'Ctrl' alternatives in such cases.


    The following example shows the script editor window with a sample script open:

    Script Editor window

    This script is used for writing message "hello" and 3 messages "kuku" to the system log.