MikroTik RouterOS V2.4 Firewall Filters

Document revision 11-Oct-2001
This document applies to the MikroTik RouterOS V2.4


The firewall supports filtering and security functions that are used to manage data flows to the router, through the router, and from the router. Along with the Network Address Translation they serve as security tools for preventing unauthorized access to networks.

Firewall Features

It is very advantageous, if packets can be matched against one common criterion in one chain, and then passed over for processing against some other common criteria to another chain. For example, packets must be matched against the IP addresses and ports. Then matching against the IP addresses can be done in one chain without specifying the protocol ports. Matching against the protocol ports can be done in a separate chain without specifying the IP addresses.

Firewall Chains

The Input Chain is used to process packets entering the router through one of the interfaces. If the packet is not dropped or rejected, then the packet is processed according to the routing table.

The Forward Chain is used to process packets passing through the router.

The Output Chain is used to process all packets leaving the router through the interface. Packets originated from the router are processed according to the output chain only.

The firewall rules are applied in the following order:

IP packet flow through the router is given in the following diagram:

IP Packet Flow

When processing a chain, rules are taken from the chain in the order they are listed there from the top to the bottom. If it matches the criteria of the rule, then the specified action is performed on the packet, and no more rules are processed in that chain. If the packet has not matched any rule within the chain, then the default policy action of the chain is performed.

Contents of the Manual

The following topics are covered in this manual:

Firewall Installation

The firewall feature is included in the "system" software package. No additional software package installation is needed for this feature.

Configuring Firewall Chains and Rules

The firewall management is under the /ip firewall menu in the Terminal Console. Firewall can be managed through the JAVA Console as well. Go to IP/Firewall and select the desired chain.

Managing Firewall Chains

The list of currently defined chains can be viewed using the /ip firewall print command:

[MikroTik] ip firewall> print                                                  
  # NAME                                                                 POLICY
  0 input                                                                accept
  1 forward                                                              accept
  2 output                                                               accept
[MikroTik] ip firewall>                                                      

These three chains cannot be deleted. The available policy actions are:

You can change the chain policies by using the /ip firewall set command.
Note! Be careful about changing the default policy action to these chains! You may lose the connection to the router, if you change the policy to deny or reject, and there are no rules in the chain, that allow connection to the router.

Usually packets should be matched against several criteria. More general filtering rules can be grouped together in a separate chain. To process the rules of additional chains, the 'jump' action should be used to this chain from another chain.

To add a new chain, use the /ip firewall add command:

[MikroTik] ip firewall> add name=router                                        
[MikroTik] ip firewall> print                                                  
  # NAME                                                                 POLICY
  0 input                                                                accept
  1 forward                                                              accept
  2 output                                                               accept
  3 router                                                               none  
[MikroTik] ip firewall>

The policy of user added chains is 'none', and it cannot be changed. Chains cannot be removed, if they contain rules (are not empty).

Managing Firewall Rules

Management of the firewall rules can be accessed by selecting the desired chain. Use the /ip firewall rule command with the argument value, that specifies a chain, for example:

[MikroTik] ip firewall> rule input                                             
[MikroTik] ip firewall rule input> print                                       
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid 
[MikroTik] ip firewall rule input>                                             

There are currently no rules in the input chain. To add a rule, use the add command, for example:

[MikroTik] ip firewall rule input> add ?                                     
Creates new item with specified property values.
       action  Rule action
    copy-from  Item number
  dst-address  Destination address
  dst-netmask  Destination mask
    dst-ports  Destination port range
    interface  Interface name (or all)
          log  Enable/Disable logging
     protocol  Protocol
  src-address  Source address
  src-netmask  Source mask
    src-ports  Source port range
       target  Target chain
  tcp-options  TCP options
[MikroTik] ip firewall rule input> add dst-ports=8080 protocol=tcp action=reject
[MikroTik] ip firewall rule input> print                                       
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid 
  0   protocol=tcp src-address= dst-address= 
      interface=all action=reject tcp-options=all log=no 

[MikroTik] ip firewall rule input>

Argument description:

src-address - Source IP address. Can be in the form address/mask:ports, where mask is number of bits in the subnet, and ports is one port, or range of ports, e.g., x.x.x.x/32:80-81
src-netmask - Source netmask in decimal form x.x.x.x
src-ports - Source port number or range (0-65535). 0 means all ports 1-65535.
dst-address - Destination IP address. Can be in the form address/mask:ports, where mask is number of bits in the subnet, and ports is one port, or range of ports, e.g., x.x.x.x/32:80-81
dst-netmask - Destination netmask in decimal form x.x.x.x
dst-ports - Destination port number or range (0-65535). 0 means all ports 1-65535.
interface - Interface, for which the rule should be used. Can be 'all'.
protocol - Protocol
tcp-options - ( all / sysn / nosyn ). 'nosyn' is for all other options than 'syn'.
action - ( accept / deny / jump / masq / none / reject / return )
target - Name of the target chain, if the action=jump is used
log - Log the action ( yes / no )

If the packet matches the criteria of the rule, then the performed action can be:

Note for V2.3 users, who have upgraded to V2.4:

V2.4 has easier management of firewall rules, since it is possible to select a chain, and all commands do not need to contain the argument value for the chain This difference should be considered, when importing firewall configuration script of V2.3 into the V2.4 router. For example:

[MikroTik V2.4] ip firewall rule input> add protocol tcp src-...
[MikroTik V2.4] ip firewall rule input> print

[MikroTik V2.3] ip firewall rule> add input protocol tcp src-...
[MikroTik V2.3] ip firewall rule> print input

Logging of the Firewall Actions

To enable logging of the firewall actions you should set the value of the rule argument 'log' to 'yes'. Also, the logging facility should be enabled for firewall logs:

[MikroTik] system logging facility> set Firewall-Log logging=local             
[MikroTik] system logging facility> print                                      
  0 Firewall-Log        local                                                  
  1 PPP-Account         none                                                   
  2 PPP-Info            none                                                   
  3 PPP-Error           none                                                   
  4 System-Info         local                                                  
  5 System-Error        local                                                  
  6 System-Warning      local                                                  
[MikroTik] system logging facility> 

You can send UDP log messages to a remote syslog host by specifying the remote address and port (usually 514). Local logs can be viewed using the /log print command:

[MikroTik] > log print 
 sep/26/2001 17:40:26 user admin logged in at Wed Sep 26 17:40:26 2001 
                      from via telnet                      
 sep/26/2001 17:42:30 Public: input->REJECT, prot TCP(SYN),
            >, len 60                     
[MikroTik] > log print 
(The format of the log is:
DATE TIME Interface: Chain -> ACTION, protocol,
                      src-address:port->dst-address:port, packet_length)

Using the Masquerading

Masquerading is a firewall function that can be used to 'hide' private networks behind one external IP address of the router. For example, masquerading is useful, if you want to access the ISP's network and the Internet appearing as all requests coming from one single IP address given to you by the ISP. The masquerading will change the source IP address and port of the packets originated from the private network to the external address of the router, when the packet is routed through it.

Masquerading helps to ensure security since each outgoing or incoming request must go through a translation process that also offers the opportunity to qualify or authenticate the request or match it to a previous request. Masquerading also conserves the number of global IP addresses required and it lets the whole network use a single IP address in its communication with the world.

To use masquerading, a firewall rule with action 'masq' should be added to the forward chain of the router's firewall configuration:

[MikroTik] ip firewall rule forward>
add action=masq interface=Public src-address= 
[MikroTik] ip firewall rule forward>                                           
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid 
  0   protocol=all src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=Public action=masq 
      tcp-options=all log=no 

[MikroTik] ip firewall rule forward>                                           

If the packet matches the 'masquerading' rule, then the router opens a connection to the destination, and sends out a modified packet with its address as the source and source port above 60000. The router keeps track about masqueraded connections and performs the 'demasquerading' of packets, which arrive for the opened connections.

The list of currently opened masqueraded connections can be viewed using the /ip firewall masqueraded-connections print command:

[MikroTik] > ip firewall masqueraded-connections print detail               
  0 protocol=tcp src-address= dst-address= 
    masq-port=61068 expires=00:07:54 

  1 protocol=udp src-address= dst-address= 
    masq-port=61296 expires=00:04:57 

[MikroTik] > 

Basic Firewall Building Principles

Assume we have router that connects a customer's network to the Internet. The basic firewall building principles can be grouped as follows: Filtering has some impact on the router's performance. To minimize it, the filtering rules that match packets for established connections should be placed on top of the chain. These are TCP packets with options 'nosyn'.

Examples of setting up firewalls are discussed later.


IP Firewall Applications

Further on, the following examples of using firewall rules are given:

Example of Firewall Filters

Assume we want to create a firewall, that

The basic network setup is in the following diagram:


The IP addresses and routes of the MikroTik router are as follows:

[MikroTik] > /ip address print                                                 
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic 
  #   ADDRESS            NETWORK         BROADCAST       INTERFACE             
  0   Local                 
  1      Public                
[MikroTik] > /ip route print                                                   
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic, R - rejected 
  0    static          A    1        Public     
  1 D  connect     A       0        Local      
  2 D  connect        A       0        Public     
[MikroTik] >                                                                   

Protecting the Router

To protect the router from unauthorized access, we should filter out all packets with the destination addresses of the router, i.e., and, and then accept only what is allowed. This can be done by creating a special chain, say, name=router, and adding rules, that allow particular actions, and reject everything else:

[MikroTik] > ip firewall add name router
[MikroTik] > ip firewall rule router
[MikroTik] ip firewall rule router> 
add protocol tcp tcp-option nosyn
add protocol udp 
add protocol icmp
add src-addr
add action reject log yes 
[MikroTik] ip firewall rule router> print                                      
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid 
  0   protocol=tcp src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=all action=accept 
      tcp-options=nosyn log=no 

  1   protocol=udp src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=all action=accept tcp-options=all 

  2   protocol=icmp src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=all action=accept tcp-options=all 

  3   protocol=all src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=all action=accept tcp-options=all 

  4   protocol=all src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=all action=reject tcp-options=all 

[MikroTik] ip firewall rule router>

Here, we created a new chain 'router' and added rules to it, that

  1. allow established TCP connections
  2. allow UDP connections
  3. allow ICMP messages
  4. allow access from "trusted" network of ours
  5. reject and log everything else
All we have to do now, is to put rules in the input chain, that match the IP addresses of the router and jump to the router chain:

[MikroTik] ip firewall rule input>
add dst-address= action=jump target=router
add dst-address= action=jump target=router
[MikroTik] ip firewall rule input> print                                       
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid 
  0   protocol=all src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=all action=jump target=router 
      tcp-options=all log=no 

  1   protocol=all src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=all action=jump 
      target=router tcp-options=all log=no 

[MikroTik] ip firewall rule input>

Thus, the input chain will match packets with the destination address of the router, and the router chain will accept the allowed connections and reject and log everything else.

Protecting the Customer's Network

To protect the customer's network, we should match all packets with destination address, that leave the Local interface, and process them against rules of another chain, say, 'customer'. We create the new chain and add rules to it:

[MikroTik] ip firewall> add name=customer                                      
[MikroTik] ip firewall> print                                                  
  # NAME                                                                 POLICY
  0 input                                                                accept
  1 forward                                                              accept
  2 output                                                               accept
  3 router                                                               none  
  4 customer                                                             none  
[MikroTik] ip firewall> rule customer
[MikroTik] ip firewall rule customer> 
add protocol tcp tcp-option nosyn
add protocol udp 
add protocol icmp
add protocol tcp tcp-option syn dst-address
add protocol tcp tcp-option syn dst-address
add protocol tcp tcp-option syn src-port 20 dst-port 1024-65535
add action reject log yes 
[MikroTik] ip firewall rule customer> print                                    
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid 
  0   protocol=tcp src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=all action=accept 
      tcp-options=nosyn log=no 

  1   protocol=udp src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=all action=accept tcp-options=all 

  2   protocol=icmp src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=all action=accept tcp-options=all 

  3   protocol=tcp src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=all action=accept 
      tcp-options=syn log=no 

  4   protocol=tcp src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=all action=accept 
      tcp-options=syn log=no 

  5   protocol=tcp src-address= dst-address= 
      interface=all action=accept tcp-options=syn log=no 

  6   protocol=all src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=all action=reject tcp-options=all 

[MikroTik] ip firewall rule customer>

Here, we created a new chain 'customer' and added rules to it, that

  1. allow established TCP connections
  2. allow UDP connections
  3. allow ICMP messages
  4. allow http and smtp connections to the server at
  5. allow ftp data connections from servers on the Internet (active ftp data connections are made from the server's port 20 to the client's tcp port above 1024)
  6. reject and log everything else
All we have to do now, is to put rules in the output chain, that match the IP addresses of the customer's hosts on the Local interface and jump to the customer chain:

[MikroTik] ip firewall rule output>
add dst-address= interface=Local action=jump target=customer
[MikroTik] ip firewall rule output> print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid
  0   protocol=all src-address=
      dst-address= interface=Local action=jump
      target=customer tcp-options=all log=no

[MikroTik] ip firewall rule output>

Enforcing the 'Internet Policy'

To force the customer's hosts to access the Internet only through the proxy server at, we should put following rules in the forward chain:

[MikroTik] ip firewall rule forward>                                           
add protocol icmp interface Public
add src-address interface Public
add action reject interface Public log yes
[MikroTik] ip firewall rule forward> print                                     
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid 
  0   protocol=icmp src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=Public action=accept 
      tcp-options=all log=no 

  1   protocol=all src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=Public action=accept 
      tcp-options=all log=no 

  2   protocol=all src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=Public action=reject 
      tcp-options=all log=yes 

[MikroTik] ip firewall rule forward>

Here, we added rules to the forward chain, that

  1. allow ICMP ping packets
  2. allow all outgoing connections form the server at
  3. reject and log everything else

Example of Masquerading

If we want to use masquerading for the Local network (see the network diagram in the Application Example above), we should have a firewall rule with the action 'masq' in the forward chain:

[mikrotik] ip firewall rule forward>
add src-address action masq interface Public 
[MikroTik] ip firewall rule forward> print                                     
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid 
  0   protocol=all src-address= 
      dst-address= interface=Public action=masq 
      tcp-options=all log=no 

[MikroTik] ip firewall rule forward>    
All outgoing connections from the network will have source address of the router and source port above 60000. No access from the Internet will be possible to the Local addresses. If you want to allow connections to the server on the local network, you should use Static Network Address Translation (NAT). Please consult the Static NAT Manual for information on how to use NAT.

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